In our culture, we take it for granted that children regularly have emotional outbursts, refuse to listen, destroy stuff, hit, or kick, refuse to share or help clean up, or that bedtime and completing homework are daily struggles and that it is our job as parents to somehow coax, bribe or threaten them to behave in socially acceptable ways.

But did you know that for most of our evolved history, children grew up into happy, confident, and competent adults, who naturally helped out and actually enjoyed doing so? There were no pressure, threats or power struggles. Children and parents lived mostly peacefully and happily together. Because parents intuitively knew (and observed from a young age) how children become kind & helpful, they parented in line with children’s nature.

We can recapture this intuitive style of parenting and I am here to help.

I offer a 6-week group workshop to help you to:

  • Better understand your child’s (or children’s) basic needs and how to meet them.

  • Create an environment where your child naturally becomes a helpful, considerate, and confident member of the family.

  • Compassionately respond to your child’s challenging, problematic behaviors that arise.

  • Better meet your own needs, as a caregiver, in the service of helping your family flourish.

Each week we will deepen our understanding of why our children act and feel as they do, learn skills that help create a more harmonious family culture, practice these skills in small groups, and you will also receive a workbook with further exercises and practice. We will also have plenty of time for open discussion, Q and A, and troubleshooting.

This course is for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-10 and intended for any kinds of challenging behaviors/situations you may be facing (including but not limited to emotional outbursts, hitting/biting, sibling rivalry, difficulty sharing, refusal to listen or help out, power struggles, and difficulties around bedtime) as well as for parents who simply want to learn how we can parent in a way that works with children’s evolved nature.

The benefit of going through this course as a group is that we can all learn from and with each other. Simply seeing that we are not alone in the challenges we face, is already immensely reassuring and releases some of the pressure we may feel. And having compassionate, supportive peers to work alongside and with, will make this (hopefully) a fun experience in a safe space where everyone feels comfortable to be open, share, and offer each other feedback and support.

During this workshop, we will cover the following:

Week 1

We will learn why and how to reframe your child’s behavior & understand how children have evolved to naturally become competent, confident, considerate, & helpful members of our family and society

Week 2

We will learn about children’s evolved needs, why meeting them is essential to their well-being and a peaceful family environment & how to meet children’s needs and set age-appropriate expectations in a way that works for your family.

Week 3

We will learn how to leverage children’s needs and evolved tendencies to learn to encourage helpful, kind behavior that your child wants to engage in and that keeps you connected and peaceful as a family.

Week 4

We will learn how to address problem behavior in a respectful way that encourages your child to think for themselves and stop the problem behavior voluntarily.

Week 5

We will cover how to set limits in collaboration with your child & why punishment and reward don’t work and undermine your connection.

Week 6

We will learn why self-care and meeting your own needs is so important, why some of your child’s behavior may be particularly triggering for you and ways to deal with this.

This offer includes

  • 6 weekly 2-hour Zoom calls or in person meetings.

  • A workbook including a summary of each week’s content, group exercises & homework to apply what we cover to your particular situation.

  • A closed Facebook Group for the duration of the course.

Cost: Sliding Scale $140-$279

You can choose the amount you pay. No questions asked.

If you are interested in taking this group coaching as a group of people you know (for example, as a group of friends with children, or as a group of parents attending the same daycare/kindergarten/(pre-)school, or a group of childcare providers), please reach out to me and we can organize a 6-week workshop specifically for your group.

I would feel honoured to support you and your family on your journey towards more peace, joy, and connection.

If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them.

From Stefan

“This workshop was fantastic! I learned so much to help me better understand my daughter and how best to support her growing up. I loved Anita's hands-on advice and concrete suggestions. I also appreciated the bits of theory (just the right amount!) to make sense of what's behind the advice. The workbook handouts have been very helpful and they will continue to be a useful reference in the future. Anita is passionate about parenting and has a genuine interest in helping parents be better caregivers. Highly recommended!”


Trauma-informed parenting: 5-week mom's group


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